Tsfat Mikveh & Education Center

“I’ve been going to mikveh for 25 years and I never heard that the mikveh actually purifies you spiritually and emotionally. This completely changed my mikveh experience. ~Rebbetzin C., workshop participant

“The spiritual aspect of immersing in a mikveh is what connected me to doing it—and I have made a personal commitment to continue.” ~Secular seminar attendee

The Tsfat Mikveh & Education Center was built on the premise that a beautiful and meaningful mikveh experience impacts upon the future of the Jewish people. The result is a facility where the highest halakhic and aesthetic standards are merged, making it one of the most unique mikveh centers in Israel. It contains a three-mikveh spa for women, including a special mikveh for the disabled and a preparation suite for brides.

The educational component of the Center has influenced the lives of thousands of women by strengthening positive Jewish identity and mikveh observance. The event space is directly adjacent to the spot where Elijah the Prophet revealed secrets to the Arizal, charging the atmosphere with an extra element of spirituality. On the ground floor of the mikveh facility, regular workshops introduce the concept of mikveh for the first time to women from diverse secular backgrounds. In addition, there are ongoing classes for married women on strengthening the Jewish home. The space is also a popular venue for the traditional “Henna” celebration for Sephardic brides and their families.

The center has hosted groups from over 20 countries through Aish HaTorah, Jewish Women’s Renaissance Program, Birthright / Taglit: Talilim, Jewish Journey-Masa Yehudi, Israel Experience, Israel Way, Kenes, Nefesh Yehudi, Technion University in Haifa, Tel Hai University, Midreshet HaRovah, Hebrew University Beit Midrash Program, Synagogue/Federation tours, and private groups.
