“No database can replace the open-shelf experience.” ~Aaron Bijel, Chief Librarian at Yeshivat Har Etzion
The gateway to the treasures of the spiritual giants, scholars, and mystics of Tsfat is opening to the world. The great works of R’ Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch; the Arizal, Rabbi Isaac Luria, master of kabbalah; R’ Moshe Alkabetz, composer of L’Cha Dodi; R’ Moshe Alshich, and many more will now be accessible to the public at large. The Tsfat Legacy Center is a multi-million dollar project in the planning stages in the heart of the historic Old City. In addition to the renowned kabbalistic masters of Tsfat, the center will house the entire spectrum of Torah through a collection of 120,000 classical Jewish books on mysticism, chassidut, Jewish law, and works by the Baal Shem Tov. The collection will also include 2,000 rare volumes of Jewish thought. It will be the largest Judaic-only open-shelf library in Northern Israel. There is no Judaic library in the world that gives full access to these treasures of Jewish wisdom to the uninitiated. Located on the central tourist route amidst historic synagogues, the Library will also offer in-depth seminars and lectures for individuals and groups. The center will be open to everyone, and in particular will attract scholars, researchers, authors, Jewish communal leaders, tourists, and students from Israel and abroad. The project is currently under development by Carlos Prus Architects, a leading architectural firm in Jerusalem.