Ganei Yehudit & Derech Yehudit Education Center for Girls

“I cried at my daughter’s first grade graduation ceremony. Because I grew up quite differently, I didn’t realize something like this could exist. Her education is so beautiful and wholesome; it is reflected in how she is developing before my eyes.” ~Rivka, 33 years old, mother of five

One of the newest education centers established by Nachal Novea, Ganei Yehudit and Derech Yehudit Education Center for Girls currently runs nursery, kindergarten and elementary school classes for ages 3-9. Additional classes are added each year until the 8th grade level is reached. Ganei Yehudit & Derech Yehudit has raised the educational standard for girls’ elementary schools in Tsfat on a professional and creative level. Due to high demand, plans for a new expanded facility are underway in the southern area of the city. The center is named for Rebbetzin Esther Yehudit Kenig, a”h, wife of Nachal Novea’s founder, Rabbi Gedaliah Aharon Kenig, zt”l.
