Sleepy Hollow Hotel * Conference Center
(Formerly “The DoubleTree Hotel”)
455 S Broadway, Tarrytown, New York
Nachal Novea Mekor Chochma of Tzefas invites you to join us for a Shabbos Hischazkus with HaRav Efraim Kenig, shlita, whom we are honored to host for Shabbos Pinchas, July 22nd-23rd. Registration cost is subsidized. Fee for Couples in a double room is $410. Private room for individual is $360.
Fee includes:
- Two nights in the hotel (checkout Sunday morning)
- All Shabbos meals
- Melave Malka
- Light breakfast on Sunday morning
- Coffee & Tea area available throughout Shabbos
- Children in parents room no additional charge*
- Childcare and Programs for children
- Private meetings with the Rav available for everyone
- Access to men’s mikveh
*Note: If needed, additional cots are available for $25 each, maximum two cots per room. Please order early.
Register below by credit card to ensure a spot for this special event. Space is limited.
Questions can be directed to Rabbi Yaakov Klein via whatsapp: (917)856-5664.