
“I’ve been going to mikveh for 25 years and I never heard that the mikveh actually purifies you spiritually and emotionally. This completely changed my mikveh experience. ~Rebbetzin C., workshop participant “The spiritual aspect of immersing in a mikveh is what connected me to doing it—and I have made a personal commitment to continue.” ~Secular seminar attendee The Tsfat Mikveh & Education Center was built on the premise that a...

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“No database can replace the open-shelf experience.” ~Aaron Bijel, Chief Librarian at Yeshivat Har Etzion The gateway to the treasures of the spiritual giants, scholars, and mystics of Tsfat is opening to the world. The great works of R’ Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch; the Arizal, Rabbi Isaac Luria, master of kabbalah; R’ Moshe Alkabetz, composer of L’Cha Dodi; R’ Moshe Alshich, and many more will now be accessible to the...

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“Tsfat is the field of visionaries for our generation. It is the field of dreams where Jews look beyond the confines of the four cubits of their little lives and dream of something greater and bigger.” ~R’ Moshe Weinberger, Aish Kodesh Congregation, Woodmere, NY Rebbe Nachman describes a mysterious field where wondrous trees and plants grow.l It is also where holy souls develop. Inspired by Rebbe Nachman of Breslev’s message, “Gevald!...

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“I believe the connection between the magical city of Tsfat and Rebbe Nachman has created an awakening in our generation.” ~R’ Moshe Weinberger Tsfat was home to the very first Jewish printing press in the Holy Land in 1577 (5337), at a time when local scholars published their works in Constantinople, Salonica, and Venice—costly, complicated and even dangerous. This first printer managed to publish ten books in the same number of...

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